Graupner MX-12

Special Case Nick Trim

In Mode 1 throttle is on the right stick but the ufo will nick with the right stick. The throttle trim only trims "low gas" (right stick down) if you push the stick upwards trim disappears.

"Hov. Thro Rocker" works only with 'helicopter' and is not perfect as it only trims the middle position of the right stick. If you push it up or down, trim disappears again.

==> "Sub Trim" does the trick (manual page 27 and 20 [Sub Trim])! You have to center the nick-"servo" so that in stick middle position the x-ufo does no more nick.

To sub trim nick is a little bit easier with the 'helicopter' as "Hov. Thro Rocker" works. While hovering on the same place you can do also smaller corrections.

Nick trim the 'helicopter'

1) Hover the X-Ufo and nick trim with "Hov. Thro Rocker". Count how often you use the switch (upwards "1", downwards "-1")
2) "Hov. Thro Rocker" back to the center position
3) In the menu Sub Trim select the 'servo' "TH" (Throttle, Gas) and enter following value:

TH = "x" * 1,6 with "x" = the number you count in 1)

Selecting "Hov. Thro Rocker" one time is only approximately "1" and the factor 1,6 *should* be correct, but it might be that you'll have to re-trim a little bit. Small corrections can be done using "Hov. Thro Rocker" whilst hover.

Nick trim the 'airplane'

1) Hover the X-Ufo and trim "by hand" with the nick sitck and gues "trim-value" using the Servo Travel Screen (manual page 25).
2) In the menu Sub Trim select the 'servo' "TH" (Throttle, Gas) and enter following value:

TH = "x" * 1,6 with "x" = the number you "guesed" in 1)

The trim value ist only "guesed" you will very likely have to re-trim a bit. You can't do smaller corrections with "Hov. Thro Rocker" whilst hovering!
